
From Ramazzotti & Maucci 1983 (tr. Beasley 1995): The median plates 1 and 2 are divided, not 3, so that there are visible total 5 median plates; lacking the notches on the terminal plate. From Kristensen 1987: “Sparsely pigmented Echiniscidae with red granulae eyes, unflexible buccal tube with CaCO3 encrusted stylet supports. Median plates 1 […]

From Ramazzotti & Maucci 1983 (tr. Beasley 1995): Median plates l, 2,3 divided transversely, so that total of 6 median plates visible. From Kristensen 1987: “Unpigmented to rose coloured Echiniscidae with red eyes, short inflexible buccal tube, with CaCO3 encrusted stylet supports. All median plates 1,2,3 divided, without pseudosegmental plates, with small lateral intersegmental plate […]

From Kristensen 1987: “Echiniscidae with black/brownish or ‘lipoid’ granular eyes; rigid buccal tube, large cuticular stylet supports, seven rows of sculptured ventral plates. Pseudosegmental plates absent. Paired segmental plates II and III with thinner anterior part. Caudal plate IV with a terminal indentation. Median plates 1 and 2 large, plate 3 small and reduced. Colour […]

From Thulin 1928: “Echiniscidae with armor containing five median plates. End plate adjacent to the last median plate. Terminal notches present. Echiniscus gladiator MURRAY var. exarmatus MURR leads to this genus. The exarmatus form (from the Faroe Islands) that I have examined differs in some aspects from MURRAYS description: The animals are colorless with black […]

From Schultze 1840: “The body ovate-elongated, with armor plates, in nine distinct segments, eight feet affixed to alternate segments from the third to the ninth. The head with four thorn-like antennae, eyes simple and two.” Untranslated: “Corpus ovato-elongatum, scutatum, spinosum, in novem segmenta distinctum, pedes octo alternis segmentis a tertio ad nonum affixi. Caput antennis […]

From Vicente et al. 2013: “Echiniscids with dorsal plates I, II, III, IV (II and III paired), transversally subdivided median plates m1 and m2 and undivided plate m3 present; double sculpture in the dorsal plates, represented (under phase contrast) by dark polygonal and white circular grains; ventral plates present, especially evident in the anterior, head […]