Description from: Tumanov DV, Tsvetkova AY. 2023. Some have drops and some do not, but can we rely on that? Re-investigation of Diphascon tenue (Tardigrada: Eutardigrada) with discussion of the phylogeny and taxonomy of the superfamily Hypsibioidea. Zoosystematica Rossica. 32 (1): 50–74. DOI 10.31610/zsr/2023.32.1.50 “Peribuccal structures consisted of six peribuccal lobes. AISM in shape of […]
“Evidently, none of the large phylogenetic clades of Hypsibiidae can currently receive a comprehensive morphological diagnosis, moreover it is not possible to give a morphological diagnosis for the family Hypsibiidae itself, as there are no characters or sets of characters that can be considered as characterising exclusively this group. […]In this situation, molecular phylogenetic analysis […]
“Eutardigrades with buccopharyngeal apparatus of Diphascon-type and anterior apophyses shaped as “blunt” or “semilunar” hooks (see Pilato 1987). Posteriodorsal apodeme (“drop-like” structure) present or absent, pharyngeal apophyses present. Asymmetrical claws of Hypsibiidae-type. Eggs either deposited into [shedded] cuticle and smooth or layed freely and with ornamented shells.” Dastych H. 1992. Paradiphascon manningi gen. n. sp. […]
Hypsibiidae from Pilato 1969: “Senza alcuna appendice cefalica. Le due diplounghie di ciascuna zampa sono disposte asimmetricamente rispetto al piano mediano della zampa stessa e posssono essere di tipo Isohypsibius o di tipo Hypsibius. In ogni zampa le due diplounghie sono talvolta quasi uguali fra loro ma molto spesso profondamente diverse per forma e dimensioni. […]
Calohypsibiidae from Pilato 1969: “Senza alcuna appendice cefalica. Le due diplounghie di ciascuna zampa sono disposte asimmetricamente rispetto al piano mediano della zampa stessa e sono di tipo Calohypsibius. In ogni zampa le due diplounghie sono uguali per forma e poco diverse fra loro per dimensioni; finora non si conoscono specie provviste di lunule. (La […]
Hypsibioidea from Pilato 1969 in Marley et al. 2011: “Parachela; claws asymmetrical (2121); Hypsibius-type claw pairs; AISM hooked (or, if the buccal tube is elongated, AISM can be broad ridges).” Hypsibioidea from Bertolani et al. 2014: “Double claws asymmetrical with respect to the median plane of the leg (2121), the external (or posterior) claw often with flexible main branch; double claws […]
Genus description from Plate 1888: “Diese Gattung hat grosse Aehnlichkeit mit Macrobiotus oberhäuseri, aber der kleine, runde Schlundkopf sitzt in der Mitte des Oesophagus. Das Gebiss ist zart. […] An jedem Bein 2 Doppelhaken, deren krallen am Grunde verwachsen sind.” Translated: This genus is very similar to Macrobiotus oberhäuseri, but the small, round pharynx sits […]
Hypsibioidea from Pilato 1969 in Marley et al. 2011: “Parachela; claws asymmetrical (2121); Hypsibius-type claw pairs; AISM hooked (or, if the buccal tube is elongated, AISM can be broad ridges).” Hypsibioidea from Bertolani et al. 2014: “Double claws asymmetrical with respect to the median plane of the leg (2121), the external (or posterior) claw often […]
Hypsibioidea from Pilato 1969 in Marley et al. 2011: “Parachela; claws asymmetrical (2121); Hypsibius-type claw pairs; AISM hooked (or, if the buccal tube is elongated, AISM can be broad ridges).” Hypsibioidea from Bertolani et al. 2014: “Double claws asymmetrical with respect to the median plane of the leg (2121), the external (or posterior) claw often […]