Milnesium from Doyère 1840: “Téte portant à sa partie antérieure et latérale deux appendices palpiformes très courts; bouch terminée par une ventouse entourée de palpes. Peau molle, coupée transversalement par des sillons, en anneaux de formes variables. Quatre paires de pattes. Anneaux du tronc bisegmentés.”
Translated: Head bearing anteriolaterally two very short palpiform appendages; mouth closed by a sucker surrounded by palpi. Soft skin, cut transversely by furrows into rings of variable shapes. Four pairs of legs. Bisegmented trunk rings.
Milnesium from Ramazzotti & Maucci 1983: Milnesiidae; there are present six buccal lamellae and six large peribuccal papillae; buccal tube wide, short, rigid; stylet supports short, large; there are present stylet sheaths; pharynx without apophyses and placoids. Branches of the claws separate, the secondary branch short, two-part or three-part.

Doyère LMF. 1840. Mémoire sur les tardigrades. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 2me series. 14: 269-362.
Ramazzotti G, Maucci W. 1983. Il phylum Tardigrada(III edizione riveduta e aggiornata). English translation by C. W. Beasley, 1995. Memorie dell’ Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia 41: 1-1012.