From Ramazzotti & Maucci: “The plates are not well defined in the rostral part of the dorsum, better defined in the caudal part.” From Kristensen 1987: “Echiniscidae with small black eyes, rigid buccal tube, stylet supports absent, 8-9 dorsal plates, unpaired and more or less indistinct; secondary clavae dome shaped; uncoloured to grey. Emended description: […]
Bergtrollus, from Dastych 2011: “Semiterrestrial, medium- to large-sized milnesiids with a very long, telescopically protrusible tubular proboscis (‘snout’). Mouth cavity short. Buccal tube long, flexible, smooth (i.e., without net- /spiral-like strengthening), stylets thin and long. The claw system of Milnesium-type. The buccal tube length of the new genus is intermediate between that of the genera Milnesioides and Limmenius, as […]
Genus description from Horning et al. 1978: “Head without normal buccal lamellae, but with 1 or more membranous flaps constituting a buccal opening; without parabuccal papillae but with 2 head papillae. Mouth tube simple, constricted basally, without stylets or stylet supports. Pharyngeal tube elongate, without placoids. Double claws unequal in size, but symmetrical about median plane of […]
Genus description from Claxton 1999: “Semi-terrestrial eutardigrade belonging to the family Milnesiidae. Mouth surrounded by six papillae and six buccal lamellae which form an operculum. Mouth at anterior of long protrusible snout. Snout enclosing long mouth cavity which is thick walled and has a cuticular ring at two thirds its length; buccal tube long and […]
Milnesium from Doyère 1840: “Téte portant à sa partie antérieure et latérale deux appendices palpiformes très courts; bouch terminée par une ventouse entourée de palpes. Peau molle, coupée transversalement par des sillons, en anneaux de formes variables. Quatre paires de pattes. Anneaux du tronc bisegmentés.” Translated: Head bearing anteriolaterally two very short palpiform appendages; mouth […]
Arthrotardigrada, from Marcus 1927: “those tardigrade genera that develop folds on all extremities, can be grouped together as arthrotardigrada, eliminating the misleading name. In addition to Batillipes and Halechiniscus, Bathyechiniscus, three marine genera and Oreella, belong to this suborder.” Untranslated: “lassen sich unter Ausschaltung des irreführenden Namens Prototardigraden, diejenigen Tardigradengenera, bei denen Einfaltungsstellen an sämtlichen […]